07/22: A breakthrough on superfinishing of high loaded gears brings big cost savings into aerospace production
Whitepaper Aerospace
High loaded gearboxes, such as reduction, propeller and helicopter gearboxes, they are counted as the highest loaded gearboxes with the highest precision in design, validation and manufacturing. Many gearboxes in this application are designed as a planetary gear system that transmits the torque from the low-pressure turbine to the propeller, rotor or fan. With this gearbox design, many benefits such as fuel burn savings, engine noise reduction and engine operation cost reduction can be achieved.

04/22: The OTEC logo in changing times
OTEC Intern
Being a pioneer, taking on challenges, considering the rapidly changing market conditions, and continuing to provide innovative solutions have always been the OTEC philosophy. The opportunity to develop continuously as a company and work alongside OTEC customers requires a company logo that is in line with the times.
Whitepaper Aerospace
Dyski turbin i kompresorów posiadają gniazda w kształcie jodełki, w które montowane są łopatki turbiny. Standardowe metody produkcji tych gniazd montażowych to przeciąganie, cięcie drutem lub frezowanie. Ale te techniki powodują powstawanie zadziorów i ostrych krawędzi w gnieździe. Aby zapewnić bezbłędny montaż i zapobiec skaleczeniom, krawędzie gniazda i zamka łopatki muszą być pozbawione zadziorów i zaokrąglone określonym promieniem.