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Granulato in guscio di noci

Granulato in guscio di noci H1 con pasta lucidante

Granulato impregnato di pasta lucidante che permette di non doverne aggiungere altra per i primi 3-4 carichi. Ideale per la lucidatura di metalli colorati, gioielli, titanio, leghe di acciaio.

Type Smoothing



smooth->high gloss

Grain Properties Use
H 1/30 ++ ++++ 4,0 - 6,0 mm Produces high-gloss polished surfaces High-gloss polishing of non-ferrous metals, jewellery, titanium and steel alloys
H 1/50 +++ ++++ 2,4 - 4,0 mm Produces high-gloss polished surfaces High-gloss polishing of non-ferrous metals, jewellery, titanium and steel alloys
H 1/100 ++ +++++ 1,7 - 2,4 mm Produces high-gloss polished surfaces High-gloss polishing of non-ferrous metals, jewellery, titanium and steel alloys
H 1/200 ++ +++++ 1,3 - 1,7 mm Produces high-gloss polished surfaces High-gloss polishing of non-ferrous metals, jewellery, titanium and steel alloys
H 1/300 + ++++++ 0,8 - 1,3 mm Produces high-gloss polished surfaces High-gloss polishing of non-ferrous metals, jewellery, titanium and steel alloys
H 1/400 + ++++++ 0,4 - 0,8 mm Produces high-gloss polished surfaces High-gloss polishing of non-ferrous metals, jewellery, titanium and steel alloys
H 1/500 - +++++++ 0,2 - 0,4 mm Produces high-gloss polished surfaces High-gloss polishing of non-ferrous metals, jewellery, titanium and steel alloys

Granulato in guscio di noci H2 con pasta levigante

Granulato impregnato di pasta levigante che permette di non doverne aggiungere altra per i successivi 3-4 carichi. Ideale per levigare, sbavare pezzi per punzonatura in metalli colorati e ridurre la formazione della "buccia d'arancia".

Type Smoothing



smooth->high gloss

Grain Properties Use
H 2/30 ++++ +++ 4,0 - 6,0 mm Reduces the 'orange peel' effect on stamped and mouled parts Fine grinding and deburring of stamped non-ferrous metal parts
H 2/50 +++ +++ 2,4 - 4,0 mm Reduces the 'orange peel' effect on stamped and mouled parts Fine grinding and deburring of stamped non-ferrous metal parts
H 2/100 ++ ++++ 1,7 - 2,4 mm Reduces the 'orange peel' effect on stamped and mouled parts Fine grinding and deburring of stamped non-ferrous metal parts
H 2/200 ++ ++++ 1,3 - 1,7 mm Reduces the 'orange peel' effect on stamped and mouled parts Fine grinding and deburring of stamped non-ferrous metal parts
H 2/300 ++ +++++ 0,8 - 1,3 mm Reduces the 'orange peel' effect on stamped and mouled parts Fine grinding and deburring of stamped non-ferrous metal parts

Granulato in guscio di noci H3 con polvere lucidante PP 01

Granulato impregnato di una specifica polvere lucidante che permette di non doverne aggiungere altra per i successivi 3-4 carichi. Ideale per metalli duri e ceramica.

Type Smoothing



smooth->high gloss

Grain Properties Use
H 3/400 +++++ +++ 0,4 - 0,8 mm Produces glossy polished surface Smoothing, edge rounding and metals and ceramics

Granulato in guscio di noci H4 con polvere lucidante PP 02

<link typo3 sysext cms layout modifica>Granulato impregnato di una specifica polvere lucidante che permette di non doverne aggiungere altra per i successivi 3-4 carichi. Ideale per metalli duri e ceramica. 

Type Smoothing



smooth->high gloss

Grain Properties Use
H 4/400 + +++++++ 0,4 - 0,8 mm Produces high-gloss polished surface Smoothing, edge rounding and polishing hard metals and ceramics
H 4/500 + +++++++ 0,2 - 0,4 mm Produces high-gloss polished surface Smoothing, edge rounding and polishing hard metals and ceramics

Richiesta di contatto non vincolante