Protection | Aerospace, Defence Systems
Smoothing | Deburring | Rounding
Burr-free, polished and homogeneous surfaces and rounded edges ensure trouble-fee operation and reduce the failure risk, greatly enhancing the reliability of the overall system. Reproducible, fully automated processes are therefore basic prerequisites.
OTEC mass finishing machines guarantee economical and reliable surface processing. The machine designs are individually adapted to suit the component requirements. This allows OTEC machines to cover a broad spectrum of processing options: smoothing to very low surface roughness values up to Ra 0.01 µm (super finishing or ultra polishing), rounding and deburring. These processing types can be performed in a single process step.
We develop custom processes to suit customer-specific surface requirements, and offer a corresponding turnkey machine design.

For bulk goods
For piece goods
Stream finishing machines
For non-contact processing of components in special holding fixtures.
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